All praise be to Allah, and Salat and Salam be to rasulullah صلى الله عليه و سلم Allah Ta’ala has sent rasulullah صلى الله عليه و سلم to the entire mankind with four fundamental purposes

(1) Tilawat or reciting the book of Allah onto them

(2) Taleem or teaching them his book

(3) Taleem or teaching them the Hikmah and Sunnah

(4)Tazkiyah or beautifying them with all good ethics and purifying them from all evils.

Deeni education along with inner and outer purification is a fundamental need for individuals of all ages in all circumstances. This need gets more critical when it comes to a culture polluted with Kufr, and fisq disbelieving and disobeying. Continuous efforts in Muslim civilization have been made throughout history to meet this fundamental need.